After finishing Year 2 of the Harry Potter Series I've noticed a few more subtle clues to the outcome of the books. We are introduced to a Horcrux in this book in the form of Tom Riddle's diary. Though at this time it is only viewed as a serious piece of dark magic. Harry instinctively destroys the Horcrux, which is probably a path he should stick to for destroying the rest considering Dumbledore's hand in Book 6. This secret Horcrux introduction is mirrored in Book 6 where the Horcruxes are a major plot device and explained, though somewhat inefficiently.
During the post-action Dumbledore wrap-up, Dumbledore explains to Harry why he is a Parselmouth. "Voldemort put a bit of himself in me?" says Harry. Well, upon further reflection this supports the Harry is a Horcrux theory now doesn't it? I know this has been a major key to that theory but in now observing the structure of Years 1 & 2 it seems far more likely. Harry mentions to Riddle that he does not know why the spell Voldemort cast backfired, in fact no one does. My theory is since he had intended to make a Horcrux from Harry's murder, he probably had to cast Avada Kedavra and the Horcrux spell at the same time. The spells hit Harry, who was protected by Lily's sacrafice, and the spells flew and backfired everywhere. Most likely turning Harry into an accidental Horcrux in the process.
I also wonder if Harry will make a return to the Chamber of Secrets on his Horcrux hunt. There is no item specifially mentioned in the text that could be a Horcrux, but Harry could go into the lair of the Basalisk now that it's dead. Voldemort might not have left it there before graduating, but he could have dropped it of during his application for the DADA job.
There's not much going on with Snape in this book. Knowing JKR, there probably is something crucial but oh-so-subtle that I'm missing.