Thursday, February 01, 2007

Harry Potter Book 7 Release Date!

It has been announced today via J.K. Rowling's site that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released at 12:01 am on July 21, 2007. I am alternately elated, and sad. It is after all the last Harry Potter book. I will probably go to the Borders midnight release party. That is not usually my style, but I am afraid of the spoilers that are going to leak out into the world. So I think the best plan is to get the book as soon as I can, go straight to my apartment, turn off the computer and the phone, and read for 12 hours or however long it takes to finish the book. At my reading rate I can manage 100 pages an hour so it will probably take less than 12, but I might need a nap and probably some weeping breaks too. Anyone else who wants to hang with me in my bubble is welcome.
The book will be released a week after Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix hits the movie theaters on July 13th. I guess July 13th-21st will be an Unofficial Harry Potter Week.

Update: The PotterCast blog challenge as of 2/5 is to answer the question how quickly will you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and why? The answer was already written above!

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