Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mapping the World of Harry Potter

Edited By Mercedes Lackey
"Purveyors of Aids to Literary Mischief Makers is proud to present the highly unauthorized work: Mapping the World of Harry Potter." In which, science fiction and fantasy writers expound upon the Harry Potter world with varying results including but not limited to: hilarity, amusement, incredulity, and dullness.
I enjoyed this book a great deal. First off, there is the embossed cover which has such a nice texture to it that with the sepia and gold printing you are kind of fooled into the notion that it could be parchment. The essays were all relatively short, lending itself to mealtime and waiting room reading. The quality of the essays were all very good, well researched and holding strong points of view.
I learned a few things such as the existence and format of the "Schooldays Novel." The existence of extensive fan fiction that leans towards the, ahem, adult fantasy genre. Ok, fine it's porn, there is fan fiction porn out there, on the internet with Harry Potter characters! On one hand I'm not surprised, on the other I'm a little disturbed. It's like movies with puppets or muppets having sex. I understand it's about pushing an envelope for some people, it's supposed to be a controversial thing. For me personally, it crosses a line and I just can't go there.
Anyway, onward to more decorous topics. Sarah Zettel proves that Hermione Granger, while somewhat annoying, is indeed a feminist and a fine role model for girls. Martha Wells tells us why Neville Longbottom is an epic hero in his own right. Richard Garfinkle has the most ludicrous theory on why Harry should really die and leave the defeat of Voldemort in the far more capable hands of Hermione Granger. Maybe he's just writing this tongue in cheek, but seriously? Have you not read Hero With A Thousand Faces? Do you not know the epic hero's journey? Have you been reading the same books as the rest of the free world?

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