Saturday, September 08, 2007


By Stephen King
How does one make the transition from Harry Potter Mania back to their regular reading. With a zombie novel of course! I had read this book last summer and enjoyed it. I wanted to read something familiar and comforting. This novel is classic King, I think of it as sort of a mini-The Stand.
Take a common item in society-cell phones. Make them destructive-everyone who uses them turns into a zombie. Break down society-zombies vs. the normal people. Have a big confrontation between the two-normal people blow up the zombies. End on a vague but hopeful note-leading man tries to heal partially zombified son, but we don't know whether it worked or not. I'd like to think it did.
This is short by King's standards-only 450 pages. It cooks along at a fast pace and has some surprising and shocking twists. As usual the character's are the best, including Tom-King's first Homosexual!

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