Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I WIN!!!

The Jaywalkers are finally finished! I am wearing them to work today. I only had one last little frog incident. I accidentally reversed the toe decreases for a couple rounds, but I quickly realized what was happening and pulled those rows out. Sirius gave his approval by helping me wash them by playing in the water and then rubbing all over them when they were dry.

Some notes on the finished product: As mentioned in a previous post I reduced the amount of stitches to achieve the correct size since I couldn't for the life of me get gauge. I removed one stitch per zig for a total of 68 cast on stitches and a pattern of Inc/knit 6/dd and so on. I also added a purl row at the beginning of the toe to deliniate the end of the zig zag pattern. I needed to add a few extra decreases on the top of the toe as the instep and back of foot stitches were not even after decreasing the gusset. After all this fussing I am extremely happy with the result.

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